Stephill Associates, LLC


A Million Imgur Users Affected By Breach

Do you use the image hosting service, Imgur? If you do, there's a slight chance that you'll be prompted to change your password the next time you log on. That's because the ...

Breach Of Health Data Gets California Company $2M Fine

Cottage Health System, a company that operates five hospitals in the Santa Barbara area of California, is the latest firm to have been hit with a hefty fine for losing control of ...

Uber Paid To Hide Massive Data Breach From Public

It has recently come to light that the company was hacked in 2016 in a massive breach that exposed the personal information of more than 57 million Uber users and drivers. A ...

Ransomware Is Spreading Through Macros In Word

Security researcher Jaromir Jorejsi of Trend Micro has discovered a disturbing new strain of ransomware named qkG that spreads by way of macros inside MS Word. The ransomware strain targets only Office ...

Known WordPress Malware Is Back For Second Round

This past summer, an Italian security researcher named Manuel D'Orso discovered a nasty malware attack aimed at WordPress sites. Dubbed "Wp-Ved," after the name of the .php file bearing the malicious payload, ...

Issue With Android Could Let Someone Record Screen And Audio

Do you have an Android phone? Is it running either Lolipop, Marshmallow or Nougat? Those three account for slightly more than 75 percent of the Android phones in service today, so odds ...

Google Can Still Track You With Location Services Disabled

Google recently found itself in a bit of hot water after an investigation by Quartz revealed that the company was intrusively collecting location data on literally every Android device in use today. ...

Epson Printer Having Issues? It Could Be A Microsoft Update

Do you have an older Epson printer that suddenly stopped working? If so, it may not be the printer at all, but a recent Windows update that lies at the heart of ...

More Bad News For OnePlus Phone Users

OnePlus phones have been getting plenty of bad press lately, thanks to malicious apps found to be factory-installed on a percentage of the devices, along with some intrusive data collection features the ...

Malware Infections Grow 4X In Just One Quarter

The world's hackers have been busy according to the latest report by Comodo security, which tracks the total number of threats around the globe, quarter by quarter. The latest statistics are alarming, ...


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